Fix Your Cloudy Lava Lamp in OneShot™
Turn a gallon of distilled water into crystal clear lamp fluid in minutes. Repair your vintage or modern Lava Lamp and enjoy the flow the way it was meant to be viewed! I spent years concocting this perfectly balanced repair formula, and above all, I'm wildly excited to share with you a stable and consistent product that works every time!
There are new variants of master fluid to choose from, so choose carefully!
OneShot™ Modern is compatible with all chinese-made motion lamps including: smaller LAVA brand lamps made between 2014-2021,
Chinese "Motion Lamps" including brands like Lipan, Creative Motion, Lyon, Vandor and models like Hot Rock, Excalibur, Pyramid, WayOut Lite, and much more!
OneShot™ Modern Grande is compatible with Grande lamps made after 2013, including the Heritage Grandes.
OneShot™ Midyear has been replaced with Tinker Kit! The Tinker Kit is a formula intended to repair LAVA Lamps made between late 2002-2013. These lamps appear to have a different formula that has a few variations within it.
OneShot™ Vintage will work for Lava Lite / Haggerty Enterprises lamps made from 1970 through late 2001. The new kits include OneShot UP so that users can conquer even the oldest, heaviest lamps.
OneShot™ Magma Tower is compatible with all wax made by the legends at Magma Tower.
OneShot™ Giant requires a phone consultation to ensure your lamp is dated and ready for restoration. It is a special formula for a very special lamp!
Important Preparation Note
Before replacing the fluid with OneShot™, it’s essential to cycle your lava lamp for at least one month as recommended by the manufacturer. This ensures the wax stabilizes and the lamp is ready for restoration. Skipping this step may result in suboptimal performance of the lamp.
How to Prepare a Gallon of OneShot Modern
- Pour out 1/2 cup of water out from a gallon of distilled water (not included)
- Pour the entire bottle of OneShot™ Modern into the gallon of water.
- Mix well with a clean stirrer for 5 minutes to blend OneShot™ into the gallon. It's imperative to mix the contents of the bottle into the gallon fully.
- You now have a full gallon of master fluid to use! Stick the included "Do Not Drink" sticker on the gallon to prevent accidental consumption.
- Fix some lamps!
How to Prepare a Gallon of OneShot Vintage
- Pour out 4 cups of water out from a gallon of distilled water (not included)
- Pour the entire bottle of OneShot™ Vintage into the gallon of water.
- Mix well with a clean stirrer for 5 minutes to blend OneShot™ into the gallon. It's imperative to mix the contents of the bottle into the gallon fully.
- You now have a full gallon of vintage master fluid to use! Stick the included "Do Not Drink" sticker on the gallon to prevent accidental consumption.
- Fix some lamps!
How to Repair Your Grande Lamp:
- Mark the water level of your grande with a marker
- Pour out the cloudy liquid from your Grande.
- Rinse the walls and wax puck of the grande with a stream of water and pour out again.
- Fill Grande globe to the original water level marked earlier.
- Add entire bottle ofOneShot™ Grande to the globe.
- Mix well with a clean stirrer for a few minutes to blend OneShot™ Grande into the lamp. It's imperative to mix the contents of the bottle into the lamp fully before running it.
- Enjoy your lamp!
Advanced / Troubleshooting
- If your wax is not floating at all and instead pools at the bottom of the lamp, or if the wax is flowing but only in small balls, it's time to use the included bottle of "OneShot UP".
- Remove 15 ml of master fluid from the globe you are working on
- Add 15 ml of OneShot Up
- Turn the Lamp and let the wax heat up fully.
- If the wax is still pooled on the bottom, return to step 1a and repeat the process until desired flow is achieved.
- Note: I like to balance my lamps so that the wax ALMOST floats. It will appear as a long undulating column that doesn't quite make it to the top. That is my preferred flow, but to each their own.
- If your wax is flowing too much or floating entirely, you can tame the flow by removing 30 ml of master fluid and replacing it with distilled water. This effectively makes the master fluid less dense, promoting the wax to stay sunken for longer.